
I love to cook. I love to feed people. I’m not a gourmet. I have no professional training. I’d never make it on Top Chef or Chopped, but I love to experiment and to try new things. I like to take recipes and ad-lib which is sometimes a necessity because I live in a very rural area. I enjoy sharing my creations with people. Sometimes they are awesome. Sometimes, maybe not. But they are mine!

I hope my blog will entertain you and maybe even inspire you.

My daughter named my blog “The Finnish Dish.” Most of my recipes are not Finnish, but the best parts of me are…so in fact I am the Finnish Dish!

I’m new to the whole concept of blogging so this will be a living, ever-changing site. I’ve sectioned the blog so that it makes sense…at least to me. Curious Epicurean will have savory dishes, Chubby Hubby desserts and other sweets, Adult Beverages…well that’s self explanatory. And Crafting After Hours will showcase my knitting and other attempts at artsy things!




This beautiful piece of stained glass was a gift from some most thoughtful friends. I love it and thought it appropriate that it had a prominent place on my blog!  Home!  When I’m chopping and preparing food or doing dishes I can enjoy this little piece of Finnishness.  💙


8 thoughts on “Home

  1. Ruth…you did a great job. Love the name and all of the content. Will definitely follow your pesto recipe for all the basil I have in my garden. Is there anything you can’t do???? So lucky to have you as my sister-in-law!

    • Great job Ruth! Love the pictures along with the recipe steps. It’s going to be fun to see what you post next. I will be watching with one of those chocolate chip cookies and adult beverages in my hands. 🙂

  2. Wow, love the content…you must be my twin! I also love to cook and experiment, and craft- knitting, sewing, quilting, etc etc! I belong to a quilt guild, 2 crafting groups that make things for fairs, a knitting group and my friend and I make Scandinavian items for fairs we participate in. And I’m a 100% Finn living in southern NH.

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